Art of Learning project was nominated for the Social Marie Prize for social innovation!
In 2023, T-Tudok’s Art of Learning project was nominated for the Sozial Marie Prize.
SozialMarie is a prize for social innovation awarded to 15 outstanding projects every year. With its first call for applications in 2004 and awarding in 2005 it has been the first prize for social innovation in Europe. International right from the start, SozialMarie has acquired a solid reputation in Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, and Slovenia.
Read more about the prize and the Art of Learning project here.
The secret of good education (Az oktatás titka)

Our short film serie deals with problems and solutions. The project was financed by the "Scientific Mecenatúra Project".
New book on Creative Partnership Hungary
A new bilingual (Hungarian and English) book has been published about Creative Partnership program in Pécs in June 2018. Special feature of the book that it presents the work of the artists cooperating with the teachers in the classroom. We recommend it to everyone with love!